During a standing-room-only session at the 2023 Prizmah Conference, Future Design School Founder and CEO Sarah Prevette unpacked how to attract top talent, the role of leadership in attracting and retaining top talent, and setting up systems for maintaining a high performance team.
Here are some key insights Sarah shared with the school leaders in attendance:
Great talent wants to work with a great team. This means providing an exciting vision, meaningful work, tangible impact, ongoing growth, and positive culture. In addition, great teams emphasize communication, culture, collaboration, and creativity.

Top talent wants to work for a great leader.
What we know is that great leaders balance:
- Ambition with humility
- Confidence with contemplation
- Direction with consultation
- Gravitas with humor
- Steadfast with flexibility
- Empathy with resolve

A good leader must ultimately be an incredibly skilled coach — and that means knowing your players. We also know that great coaches always have a playbook that defines not just what you are going to do, but HOW you're going to achieve the aspirations laid out in your strategic plan.

Strategic plans need to be supported by deep operational roadmaps. Everyone needs to appreciate their role in executing the strategic vision and performance management plays a crucial role in cultivating personal accountability and clear expectations. Future Design School helps schools operationalize strategic plans through their tested best practices in building cascading Objectives and Key Results.